"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"No Stimulus Money, Thank You" for some GOP Governors

Some GOP Governors have reportedly been tossing around the notion to stand up for their conservative principles and NOT accept the stimulus money just passed by Congress. The players, to not much surprise, include: Bobby Jindal (Louisiana); Sarah Palin (Alaska); Rick Perry (Texas); Mark Sanford (South Carolina); Haley Barbour (Mississippi); and Butch Otter (Idaho).

Of course, this is not going unnoticed by Democrats in Congress. Some state that this is just a plow for these GOP governors to set themselves up for the 2012 nomination. No, it's principles they stand on...something Democrats have a hard time conceptualizing. The stimulus bill also includes language that allows the state legislature the power to overrule the executive branch's decision to accept/not accept funding. What a crock!!!

We will just have to see what happens once the money starts to be handed out...

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