"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surest Way To Destruction

"Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, loose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction." --- Thomas Jefferson

It is interesting and prophetic that over 200 years ago one of our founding fathers made just such a statement. Is there a chance that he knew something that we as a nation have forgotten, have we lost our national character in our over abundant modern times? I believe the answer to that question has to be a resounding YES! Everyday that we keep bailing out failed institutions and allowing our government to take control of yet another faucet of the private sector we stand teetering on the abyss of throwing our great Republic away for the false utopia of Socialism.

If you choose to accept that your government needs to be the source of of your lively hood and the provider of what you need than you have already lost your liberty and freedom. America has only to look at the failed welfare system to see government involvement is not the answer. Generation upon generation has stayed trapped in that cycle and our government has not at all tried to end it. But, why should our government, they have a captive audience who year after year votes in the same socialistic minded officials. This same captive audience knows if they vote Democrat than they will still get all for doing nothing. Now we see the financial markets, auto makers, the housing market, and everyday someone else with their hand out. This is the means to the end, make all faucets of our society dependent on the government for survival and you have total control.

If we are not careful and not stop this slide into the socialist abyss than we are condemning our children and future generations to a life of no choice. They will not have the chance to succeed or fail, they will never be able to choose to improve their lives and feel the gratification of doing it on their own, the government will make those decisions for everyone.

There was a reason for the statement "Give me Liberty or give me Death", life without freedom, life without the liberties to choose your path is death; death of the mind, death of the soul and at the end...death of humanity itself.

Let us save this Republic and not allow freedom to only become a memory!

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