"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams

Monday, February 16, 2009

GovTrack helps keep an eye on Congress


This website is dedicated to everyday, hard-working Americans who's civic duty it is to keep at least one eye on Congress at all times. Now more than ever a site such as this is necessary and crucially important. You can set up a customized 'tracker' for email alerts about specific subjects areas that most interest you. You can even track items by members of Congress or committees.

An interesting 'track' to start off this first positing:

Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009
H.R. 45:111st Congress 2009-2010

To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.


  1. This bill is definately a potential law which would be overbearing and would lead to a subjectgated citizenry. Our Founding Fathers totally understood why we should be allowed to own firearms and they put that in the Constitution for a specific reason. They lived under the European monarchies who would not allow thier countrymen the right to bear arms, not for the security of society, but rather so the populace did not have the means to stand in revolt. Gun Control in America has nothing to do with public safety or security, it has all to do with controling you as a citizen. An armed populace keeps your government honest or at least some what honest, they know you have the means to take them off thier thrones and that is they only reason for laws such as this.

    Disarming the people is a major tenat of Socialist/Communist teachings, the first tenant is to control the media services and we already a major protion of that in place (unfortunately this is by choice not law, but the same effect). If bills like this that work to disarm Americans become law another tenant is in place and it will not be far down the road before we have a Totalitarian Dictactorship instead of a Democratic Republic.

    Freedom loving men and women must not allow this to come...do not allow year government under the lie of public safety tread on your GOD given liberties!

  2. "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States".

    Noah Webster, 1787

    These words are as true today as they were 222 years ago!
